This program, nicknamed PEP, has been a cornerstone of keeping the knowledge-to-practice gap tight in EMS for many years. The heart of the program is the P
EP database which is a freely accessible online repository of appraised EMS related interventional literature. We have a dedicated international team of volunteer appraisers reviewing new studies every month. Let us know if you’d like to get involved! This growing body of evidence is used to create recommendations that are dynamic and responsive to new studies coming off the press. The PEP program’s recommendations support EMS clinical practice guidelines across Canada and globally.
The PEP Program goes well beyond the website; this team is committed to fostering a culture of evidence-based practice in paramedicine. The PEP crew instructs a ‘by EMS for EMS’ Paramedic Evidence-Based Practice course across Canada. There is even an online course in English and French!
Our team specializes in synthesis projects and produces, the ever-popular ‘State of the Evidence’ reports on hot topic interventions, rapid reviews, systematic and scoping reviews. PEP recently collaborated with Sepsis Canada on a comprehensive scoping review on sepsis care in EMS and the Emergency Department.
We recognize the growing needs of the EMS community for quality knowledge translation, and we have listened to your requests. The IT Team at NSH has been working with us on making the PEP website even more user friendly with added data points for your evidence-based practice needs. Stay tuned for updates on PEP 2.0!
If EMS evidence-based practice is your passion, stop by at and if you’d like to get involved, drop us a line