External Validation of a Prognostic Risk Score for Safe Discharge among Patients with Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding: A Prospective Multi-Centre Cohort Study. S. Campbell, H. Wiemer
Accuracy of Bougie Use and Tracheal Clicks During Simulated Stressful Scenarios: A Cadaveric Study. A. Parks, G. Kovacs
Canadian COVID-19 Emergency Department (ED) Rapid Response Network (CCEDRRN). P. Fok, H. Wiemer
REmote cardiac MOnitoring of at-risk SYNCope patients after Emergency Department discharge – A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial: (REMOSYNCED – RCT). M. Clarke
RAFF4 Trial: Vernakalant vs. Procainamide for Acute Atrial Fibrillation in the Emergency Department. S. Campbell, M.L. Watson
Atlantic Canadian Emergency Medicine Airway Interventions Registry and Observational (AIRO) Database. A. Parks, G. Kovacs
Understanding Cannabis-Related Physical and Mental Health Presentations to the Emergency Department Following the Legalization of Non-Medical Cannabis Use. J. Emsley, K. Magee
A Multi-Disciplinary, Patient-Partnered, Pan-Canadian, Comparative Effectiveness Evaluation of an Innovative Acute Pediatric Mental Health and Addiction Care Bundle (MAPP Study). S. Freedman, K. Hurley
Pragmatic Pediatric Trial of Balanced Versus Normal Saline Fluids in Sepsis (PRoMPT BOLUS Study). G. Thompson
Long-Term Neurodevelopment Effects of Corticosteroids in Term Infants (CanBEST Follow-Up Study). D. Johnson, K. Trask
A Multi-Center Evaluation of Buccal Swabs with the Abbott ID NOW™ COVID-19 for Point-of-Care Detection SARS-CoV-2 in Pediatric Emergency Departments (Buccal Swab Study). S. Freedman, J. Emsley
Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes of Children Potentially Infected by SARS-CoV-2 Presenting to Pediatric Emergency Departments in Canada. A Pediatric Emergency Research Canada (PERC) – Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) COVID-19 Surveillance Collaboration. (PERC PHAC COVID Study). S. Freedman, J. Emsley
Precision Medicine for Improving the Diagnosis of Pediatric Appendicitis in the Emergency Department (PRIMED Study). G. Thompson
Caregivers’ Knowledge of Injury Prevention and Home Safety (Home Safety Survey). K. Hurley
Epidemiological survey of pediatric trauma in Nova Scotia. J. Ali
Submersion injuries among Canadian children. M. O’Leary
Infant trauma in Canada (an epidemiological survey). J. Emsley
Perception of the impact of trauma team activations on emergency department flow. J. Emsley
Examining the Effectiveness and Implementation of a Patient-Managed Discharge Communication Tool: A Mixed Methods Hybrid Type 1 Design Study. J. Curran
Atlantic Canada Together Enhancing Acute Stroke Treatment (ACTEAST): Improving Access and Efficiency of Treatment. J. Goldstein
Developing methods to identify surge capacity thresholds with machine learning and simulation. Q. Zhao
Nova Scotia Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Placement Optimization: A population-based cohort study. M. Janczyszyn
Optimizing Access to Endovascular Treatment for Rural Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients. N. Kamal
Paramedic Recognition of Delirium. A. Pomeroy
Prehospital airway management association with 30-Day survival and prehospital hypoxia; 5-year retrospective cohort study. J. Stirling
The integration of a Community Paramedicine Service with a multidisciplinary Rapid Assessment Team (RAT) to support emergency department discharge of older adults with frailty: a prospective implementation study. J. Goldstein
Saint John
CT and suspected traumatic brain injury in patients on anticoagulants (CanSCAHn). R. Goss
Investigating use of new troponin threshold for female patients (Code MI study). K. Chandra, P. Atkinson
Better understanding care transitions of adults with complex health and social care needs: an essential step towards integrated care. K Chandra
Identifying facilitators and barriers to integrated and equitable care for community-dwelling older adults with high emergency department use from historically marginalized groups. K. Chandra
Post intubation hypotension in ED airway management, results from EM-AWARE. I. McPhee, R. Clouston, K.Chandra, J. Mekwan
ED frostbite management collaborative. Y. Ahmed, M. Kovalik
Barriers to maintaining PoCUS skills in medical students. K. Chandra
TEE simulation education study. R. Makdhom (PoCUS fellow), K. Dolan, K. Chandra, D. Lewis, P. Atkinson
Freeze dried plasma use in austere environments (RIM project). M. Perigo, C. Doiron
Characterization of sedative type and doses (results from EM-AWARE). K. Gowlett, K. Chandra, J. Mekwan
ED left without being seen, outcomes. J Bent, M. McGraw, K. Chandra
Prospective data collection for airway registry (ongoing). K. Chandra, J. Mekwan
Social determinants of health on the frontlines: A question of knowledge or resources? (staff survey). P. Atkinson, K. Palmer, J. Atkinson, J. Woodland
Monitoring drug impaired driving in Canada through toxicological analyses of injured drivers. P. Atkinson (NB lead)
Efficacy of hand-held metal detectors in the detection and localization of ingested metallic foreign bodies in children. J. Mekwan, K. Chandra, P. Atkinson
Impact of age on emergency physicians’ preference for overnight shifts. P. Atkinson, C. Vaillancourt, J. Talbot, M. Howlett, K. Chandra