Academic Activities

Adult and Pediatric Rounds and Emergency Core Lecture Schedules

Emergency Medicine Simulation Programs

An integral node in the Sim Ed Network, the ED Sim Bay provides simulation-based learning in both adult and pediatric emergency medicine.

SIM Exercise


One45 has many different functions, but one of the main tools utilized by clinical teachers are the online evaluations.


DalMedix is an Intranet for the Dalhousie Faculty of Medicine. This system includes a variety of tools and features including file and image libraries, news and information, evaluations and surveys, discussion forums, research databases and departmental calendars, and with these tools, all users will have access to information — regardless of physical location.


Educational technologies that support teaching and learning in a distributed model of education.
Through Dal learning management system (LMS) for online course delivery – Brightspace.

SIM Session

If you have inquiries or would like information added to this section please contact:

Jennifer Day
Education Manager
Phone: (902) 943-3279

SIM Conference Room