Dalhousie medical student Alex Holmes, under the supervision of Dr. Patrick Fok, has conducted an analysis of the success rates of “first-pass without hypoxia and hypotension” intubations performed by EHS LifeFlight critical care teams.

Alex presented his research study, Airway Management in a Low Volume Critical Care Transport System: A Retrospective Analysis of First Pass Success and Adverse Events at the 15th Annual EMS Research Day in October 2023. He has since been awarded a Division of EMS Knowledge Translation Bursary to present this study at the National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP) in Austin, Texas in January 2024. 

Research Impact

Alex and his colleagues developed a database to analyze the outcomes of endotracheal intubations performed by EHS LifeFlight critical care teams. Knowing that peri-intubation hypoxia and hypotension portend poorer patient outcomes, the researchers aimed to determine the first-pass success rate without hypoxia or hypotension, an outcome that differs from “first-pass success” rates typically reported in the literature. The research team identified any patient-specific or mission-specific variables that might affect the success rates of first-pass intubation without hypoxia or hypotension. In the future, the airway database will help answer other questions, including the impact of various airway management quality-improvement initiatives.

Research and Clinical Background

Alex is a second-year medical student at Dalhousie Medical School. While he does not have prior research experience, he has experience treating patients as a volunteer with the Canadian Ski Patrol. He has worked as a ski patroller at Ski Wentworth for the past four years and enjoys the outdoor work environment, the professional and cohesive ski patrol team, and helping injured patients reach the next level of care. Alex also volunteers as a team leader and first aid instructor with the Canadian Ski Patrol. 

Personal Interests and Hobbies

Alex enjoys various outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, kayaking, and riding motorcycles and ATVs. During the winter, he likes to ski or snowshoe. Alex is a pet lover and likes to spend time with his German shepherd dog, Dusty. They both love hiking in Victoria Park, Alex’s hometown of Truro, NS. Alex also likes playing acoustic and bass guitars, participating in intramural sports, and going to the gym.