Dalhousie medical student Marissa MacInnis, under the supervision of Dr. Judah Goldstein, shared her findings about the impact of integrating community paramedicine programs with international colleagues early in 2024. She travelled to Texas in January to present her Research in Medicine (RIM) project at the National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP) conference in Austin.

Marissa initially presented her research study, Outcomes of a Community Paramedic Service to Support Emergency Department Discharge: A Case Series at the 15th Annual EMS Research Day in Halifax in October 2023. Marissa received a Division of EMS Knowledge Translation Bursary to cover her costs to travel to the NAEMSP conference.

Research Impact
Integrating community paramedicine programs into post-emergency department care may effectively support diverse patient populations by preventing unnecessary readmissions and reducing the burden on emergency services. This enhances patient-centred care while improving health outcomes.

Research and Clinical Background
Now a second-year medical student, Marissa participated in electrochemical and medicinal chemistry research during her undergraduate studies at St. Francis Xavier University and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree.

Personal Interests and Hobbies
Marissa enjoys travelling, spin, and kite surfing.