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17th Annual EMS Research Day

Monday, October 20, 2025
1:00 PM
Royal Bank Theatre, Halifax Infirmary

This will be an In Person/Virtual event

PACE/EMS Research Day
Thursday, September 19th, 2024
Dalhousie University, Department of Emergency Medicine, Division of EMS
has partnered with the McNally Project for Paramedicine Research,
and the Paramedic Association of Canada (PAC)
to present a PAC Expo Preconference Research Day

Halifax Convention Centre, Room C-5
1650 Argyle Street, Halifax, NS

2024 RD schedule_V5 FINAL SEPT 4


Dr. Edward J Cain Distinguished Scholar Keynote Speaker

Dr. Georgette Eaton

Georgette is the Consultant Paramedic in Urgent Care at London Ambulance Service NHS Trust. Georgette completed her DPhil (PhD) in Evidence Based Healthcare at the University of Oxford in January this year, which explored the impact of paramedics in NHS primary care, using realist approaches to improve understanding, support intelligent policy and make recommendations for future workforce planning. Georgette is also facilitator and co-chair within the Oxfordshire Council for Allied Health Professions Research, as well as a Senior Fellow International Collaborator in the McNally Project,

15th Annual EMS Research Day

Tuesday, October 17th, 2023

Dr. Edward J Cain Distinguished Scholar Keynote Speaker

Dr. Sheldon Cheskes

Medical Director, Sunnybrook Center for Prehospital Medicine

Regions of Halton and Peel

2023 EMS Research Day Schedule

2023 EMS Research Day FACTS AT A GLANCE

14th Annual EMS Research Day

Thursday, October 20th, 2022

Dr. Edward J Cain Distinguished Scholar Keynote Speaker Jennie Helmer ACP, MEd

“Unearthing Evidence in Practice: Cultivating Antidotes to a Health System in Crisis”

Top EMS Research Presentations Award:

Sareen Singh, MSc “Patterns of Opioid Exposure for Low Back Pain in the Emergency Care System and Risk of Prolonged Opioid Use”

Jennifer Bolster, ACP “Substance Use and the Paramedic Role: A Scoping Review”

Dr. Ron Stewart EMS Research Award:

Ian Drennan ACP, PhD “Quality of Ventilations Performed During Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest”

13th Annual EMS Research Day

The 13th Annual EMS Research Day was held on Thursday, October 14th, 2021. There were 190 paramedics, physicians, educators, management and others with a keen interest in EMS research were in attendance. The Keynote Speaker was Dr. Walter Tavares. Dr. Walter Tavares has been in Paramedicine for over 20 years. He has served as a clinician, educator and researcher, holding numerous provincial, national, and international leadership and scholarly roles and collaborations, resulting in a number of advances in the system.

Link for Keynote Address

Fifteen studies were presented and the awards went to: Dr. Alix Carter for the Top Research Award with “Rurality and Frailty: What are the Impacts, Benefits and Outcomes of Paramedic Palliative Care?” and J. Chris Smith for the Ron Stewart Top Paramedic Research Award with “Effect of COVID-19 on the Operational Realities of the Non-urban Canadian Paramedic.”

12th Annual EMS Research Day

in conjunction with the Dalhousie University, Department of Emergency Medicine

East Coast Emergency Medicine Research Series (Online)
October 27th, 2020

The 12th Annual EMS Research Day was held on Tuesday, October 27th, 2020. There were 178 paramedics, physicians, educators, management and others with a keen interest in EMS research were in attendance. The Keynote Speaker was John Taplin, ACP, BA (ECONOMICS), MSC. An Advanced Care Paramedic with Alberta Health Services EMS, Research Analyst in the Health Technology Assessment Unit at O’Brien Institute for Public Health. John Taplin has his MSC in Community Health Sciences, specializing in health economics at University of Calgary. The topic for the Dr. Edward J Cain Distinguished Scholar Keynote was “Health Economics and EMS: Evaluating Effectiveness.”

Eleven studies were presented and the awards went to: Dr. Alix Carter for the Top Research Award with “Paramedics providing palliative care at home program associated with increase in days at home and home deaths: a pre-post implementation analysis” and J. Chris Smith for the Ron Stewart Top Paramedic Research Award with “Leveraging paramedic data for temporal monitoring and modelling of opioid and other intoxicant use.”

11th Annual EMS Research Day

The 11th Annual EMS Research Day was held on Tuesday, October 29th, 2019. Over 100 paramedics, physicians, educators, management and others with a keen interest in EMS research were in attendance. The Keynote Speaker was Ian Drennan. Ian Drennan is a PhD candidate at the Institute of Medical Science, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto and the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute at St. Michael’s Hospital completing a collaborative program in resuscitation sciences. He works as an advanced care paramedic with York Region Paramedic Services and an instructor with Sunnybrook Centre for Prehospital Medicine. Ian also holds a part-time faculty position in the health sciences department at Georgian College.

Fourteen studies were presented and the awards went to: Dr. Alix Carter for the Top Research Award with “Essential elements to implementing the Paramedics Providing Palliative Care at Home Program: An application of the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR).” and William McQuaid for the Ron Stewart Top Paramedic Research Award with “Paramedic Interventions and Adverse Patient Events During Prolonged Interfacility Ground Transport in a Pharmacoinvasive Model of STEMI Care.” The “People’s Choice Award” went to Lyon Kengis, for his poster entitled “Evaluating paramedics comfort, confidence, and cultural competency in providing care to trans populations in a provincial ambulance system.”